Dec 03 2013
Minimum viable process-practice-platform-product
Sean Murphy and I are continuing to explore the process whereby entrepreneurs and innovators figure out what the minimum viable P (process or practice or platform or product) could be. The idea is that the viable P enables further development and learning. Without a viable P (that’s fully social) we have blind spots that are insurmountable. So that first step is really important. Sean has just published the Recap from our November 20, 2013 MVP Clinic with Phillip Grunewald and Eugene Chuvyrov. Here’s a recap of the recap:
Overview: exploring how to identify some key problems in communities where the presenters members, trying to understand how to research them, and how to contribute to solving those problems. Two very different people facing analogous situations: one is a researcher looking for action research topics in the KM4Dev community, the other is an entrepreneur who wants to make athletic contests more engaging for contestants and the audience by providing more information that is mobile device friendly.
(You can listen to the audio recording from
We have scheduled two more MVP Clinics — please plan to join us by registering now!
- Mon Dec-16-2013 10am PST
- Fri-Jan-17-2014 10am PST
Commonalities between the two cases that were presented on November 20, 2013
- Challenges in understanding the embedded (often invisible) interests, incentives and assumptions of different groups
- Assumptions about boundaries of organizations that interact with those communities
- Change management perspective is necessary but is challenging to apply in a community context — it is more of an organizational term, based on a high degree of control
- watching a school of fish trying to determine how they decide to change direction
- both were familiar with communities but may not have appreciated impact of incentives
Panelists for this session:
- Howard Silverman
- John Smith
- Sean Murphy
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