Archive for June, 2008

Jun 27 2008

CPsquare Newsletter: events, conferences, and books

I’m posting this here because CPsquare’s blogs are broken (soon to be moved & updated). CPsquare book club: We’ll be reading selected chapters from Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators, edited by Chris Kimble, Paul Hildreth, and Isabelle Bourdon. See the table of contents for both volumes. Several of the authors are members […]

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Jun 26 2008

A super-tweet: autoethnography at work

Woke up thinking about all that could be done — and that had to be done today. Before walking the dog, at 6:15 am, I went through the previous night’s email on Outlook, looked at my schedule and made some plans: A workshop payment mix-up (money going to a personal Paypal account rather than the […]

3 responses so far

Jun 23 2008

Migration complete

I changed ISP’s and thus web and email servers and it’s been quite an adventure in technology stewardship (supporting myself in this case)! Here are a few of the steps along the way: I decided to reduce costs and increase my site’s flexibility, foregoing the wonderful, bullet-proof services at Easystreet a few months ago. As […]

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