Archive for the 'pdxdata' Category

Jun 12 2017

Feedback from the Cascadia R Conference participants

I helped organize the Cascadia R Conference on June 3, 2017. About 190 people attended the all-day conference.  I volunteered to do the conference evaluation questionnaire and to analyze the results. We adapted a questionnaire that the CSV, Conf, 3 had used and used a Google Form to gather  feedback at the end of the […]

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Feb 06 2017

Dogged pursuit of data quality and use

Published by under pdxdata

Data Dogs notes – Jan 2, 2017 – Challenge question: describe three measurements that you are familiar with at each of these three levels 1) personal, 2) very large scale, and 3) in between.  For each level describe what’s measured, why, how and and who does the measurement.  How does it all add up […]

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