Archive for the 'Books' Category

Dec 29 2016

Download our book for free

It is hard to believe we finished “Digital Habitat: Stewarding technology for communities” back in 2009 (after working on it off and on for 5 years). Seven years later the book is still selling on Amazon.  And we hear that people still actually use it, even though the whole technology ecology has changed so much. […]

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Jul 06 2010

Tech steward meet tech mentor

Recently I finished a remarkably useful book: Mizuko Ito, et al.  Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning With New Media (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2009).  It has some common ancestry with ours, since the first authors of both Hanging Out and Digital Habitats were at the Institute for Research on […]

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Jan 02 2010

Working the past

Published by under Books,Stories

A key story in Charlotte Linde‘s Working the Past; Narrative and Institutional Memory (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009)  is about an insurance company that was having trouble getting its agents to sell certain policies.  The company’s management wanted to know whether the problem was a learning problem (e.g., so you’d “solve it” by having […]

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Aug 04 2009

It’s here!

After more than 5 years working on it, Digital Habitats (the book I wrote with Etienne Wenger and Nancy White) is here.  (At least a couple proof copies have arrived in the mail.  Copies for sale are on their way.) It has been really fun.  What’s next? Stay tuned.

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Jul 03 2009

Twitter for Churches

Published by under Books,Technology

Rebecca Egolf, I think, recommended The reason YOUR CHURCH must Twitter; making your ministry contagious by Anthony D. Coppedge and I’ve recommended it to several people since buying the $5 e-book about a week ago. So it comes with excellent ecumenical credentials, since her recommendation said, in effect, that it was “good for synagogues, too.” […]

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Jan 14 2009

Easy match-merge

My work as a tech steward and community leader involves dealing with a lot of little sets of data that comes from different sources.  As our communities live on more and more different platforms, for example, it becomes a messier and more complicated job to keep track of who’s on which platform, and we often […]

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Dec 31 2008

Formalizing stories about community leadership

I’m working with several meta-communities: communities of practice made up of people who are themselves supporting communities.  Of course CPsquare is very much my “main meta-community” but I’m a bit surprised at how these meta-communities are turning up.  (I guess I shouldn’t be, since that’s where I started 10 years ago working to get a […]

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Oct 24 2008

Sneaking into EPIC 2008

Last week was the fall vacation for universities in Denmark, so their facilities were used for conferences such as AoIR 9.0 and EPIC 2008.  Many of the people who participated in either conference did not seem to know about the other one, even though to me there were many connections and overlaps. There was a […]

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Oct 11 2008

Social proof

Gene Smith observes in his book on Tagging that Cialdini’s idea of “social proof” explains a lot about why social tagging is useful.  Smith’s book is full of insights and suggestions for software designers, but also seems very useful from a tech steward’s perspective.  And “social proof” is one of the reasons that communities of […]

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Jun 27 2008

CPsquare Newsletter: events, conferences, and books

I’m posting this here because CPsquare’s blogs are broken (soon to be moved & updated). CPsquare book club: We’ll be reading selected chapters from Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators, edited by Chris Kimble, Paul Hildreth, and Isabelle Bourdon. See the table of contents for both volumes. Several of the authors are members […]

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