Archive for the 'R' Category

Jul 24 2022

Musing about data analytics in faith-based organizations

I’m calling for a Birds-of-a-Feather session for faith-based organizations at the Rstudio::Conf this week. I thought I should write down some of my musings to be clearer about where I’m coming from. All of these issues come up in the context of creating a “Societal Mirror” for Shambhala that combines administrative and survey data with […]

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Jun 16 2018

cRaggy 2018: design, feedback & reflections

This blog post describes the cRaggy event  at the June 2, 2018 Cascadia R Conf, its design, the logic behind its design, feedback from participants and reflections on how such an event might be better in the future. Here’s the pith of the how we learn R: The R ecosystem is a marvel made up of […]

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Feb 12 2018

Computing on R

R is not just software.  It’s actually a global organism that grows information: insights, discussions, work methods, human relationships, and open questions as well as a massive amount of software and all the resources that document or support it.  Cesar Hidalgo equates growing information with “computing”, claiming, “It is the growth of information that unifies […]

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Jun 12 2017

Feedback from the Cascadia R Conference participants

I helped organize the Cascadia R Conference on June 3, 2017. About 190 people attended the all-day conference.  I volunteered to do the conference evaluation questionnaire and to analyze the results. We adapted a questionnaire that the CSV, Conf, 3 had used and used a Google Form to gather  feedback at the end of the […]

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Mar 28 2016

Schmoozing with Portland Data Scientists

Here are the topics that Portland R Users say they are interested in: I’m interested in those topics, too.  And the several other data science MeetUps have similar topic profiles.  But when people ask to join the Portland Data Science MeetUp, for example, they say they are seeking things like: Networking. Meet people with similar interests. […]

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Sep 24 2015

R and Google Spreadsheets (and the context)

R and Google spreadsheets are powerful partners for verification, exploration and delivery of data to people in communities and organizations. Recently I wrote a convenience wrapper around the gs_upload function in Jenny Bryan’s wonderful googlesheets package.  But it takes some context to explain how I use it the way I do and why I think it’s important, so this […]

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