Archive for the 'Books' Category

Jun 26 2008

A super-tweet: autoethnography at work

Woke up thinking about all that could be done — and that had to be done today. Before walking the dog, at 6:15 am, I went through the previous night’s email on Outlook, looked at my schedule and made some plans: A workshop payment mix-up (money going to a personal Paypal account rather than the […]

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Nov 15 2007

Learning how to ask

Published by under Books

Although I’m still inching my way through Geoffrey Bowker’s “Memory practices in the sciences”, I’ve been sneaking peeks into Charles L. Briggs, Learning How to Ask; A Sociolinguistic Appraisal of the Role of the Interview in Social Science Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986). This little statement stood out loud and clear: Interview techniques smuggle […]

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Jul 23 2007

Where comunities dwell and mashup corporations

Shirley Williams and I heard about the book at the same time, but she read it right away and I’m still wending my way through it. Andy Mulholland, Chris S. Thomas, Paul Kurchina with Dan Woods, Mashup Corporations; the End of Business as Usual; A chronicle of Service-Oriented Business Transformation (New York, NY: Evolved Media […]

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Nov 23 2006

Ambiguity ok, according to some

Lilia Efimova and Nancy White were talking about some of the ideas in our technology for communities project and Lilia comments on how “community” seems like a problematic term to some people because it’s ambiguous – it gets used in many different ways and at different scales. I like the argument that King and Frost […]

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Aug 18 2006

What to read?

A participant from a recent Foundations of Communities of Practice workshop, who works in a university, writes: I am spending more and more time reading and learning about CoP’s and am finding the amount of information to be monumental. As a relative newbie to CoP’s, I’m wondering if you have a recommendation for how to […]

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