Dec 28 2006

CWToolkit is now open source

Published by at 4:38 pm under Consulting,Event design,Technology

I’m going to put a copy of CWToolkit in the free code library at Web Crossing. It’s a suite of integrated programs that I’ve developed over the past five years, mainly in CPsquare and in the Foundations of Communities of Practice workshop. Although I haven’t gone through and removed all the copyright notices inside each file of source code (nothing is ever so simple, is it?) it’s going to be there as soon at Sue Boettcher lets me know how to share it. In the meantime, there’s a copy of all the source code here and more information about the package here.

It was a wonderful feeling to just install it for a client a couple weeks ago without haggling about the $1,450! I was changing their registration system and they’d only bought the package for one of their several Web Crossing platforms. Doing work on the platforms that didn’t have CWToolkit was always such a hassle. This time I just installed CWToolkit in a matter of 10 minutes and used it. It saved me so much time!

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